Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Truly Staying Human: Michael Franti & Spearhead in Lowell, MA

This past Friday I attended an extremely positive concert with my family. Michael Franti & Spearhead came to Lowell, MA for the Lowell Summer Concert Series. This particular show was special because my family has been listening to Michael Franti & Spearhead for some years now and we can all attend the show due to "kids 12 and under get in for free". (Just the fact that they can get in is cool, but you add "Free" and that makes this parent want to breakdance!)

Now this is not your average kid concert. This is not the Wiggles or Barney on ice. Michael Franti & Spearhead have a long path of social rights activism behind them. Franti himself is a children's author and a talented documentary filmmaker on top of being a positive example of what a musician can be. His music and his live performances are great, but it is what he does when he's off the stage or out of the studio is what makes him exceptional. His unconventional use of Hip-Hop, Rock, Reggae, and Funk promotes peace and social tolerance.

He's out helping his global village by giving back and funneling his energies into worthwhile endeavors. I learned about a great organization called vitamin angels that night. In short, they provide vitamins for all children in this country and across the world. This small act prevents crippling diseases, blindness and other problems that are due to a lack of basic proper nutrition.

The path behind Franti is just as interesting as what he is currently doing. His first band was an Industrial Punk group called the "Beatnigs" known for power tools on stage creating percussion and pyrotechnics. His next project "The Disposable Heroes of Hip-Hoprisy" would be a largely recognized for their lyrics of present day political and social frustration. (This band also featured the revolutionary 8 string Jazz guitarist Charlie Hunter) All things moved forward when he finally morphed into his current state with Spearhead. Now his platform for social commentary mixed with his love for all genres of music propel him far past today's artists.

It was a rare family atmosphere that allowed both of my favorite worlds, music and family. I smiled as the sound from the opening act blasted my sons as they played with other children. The humid air was thick and a light rain started to sprinkle us as Franti hit the stage at dusk while my 5 year old perched on his viewpoint from upon my shoulders. Once the first song was in full swing we started to jump in time with sea of bodies moving as one whole. I will always remember during a "A Little Bit of Riddim” craning my head up and to the side to see his 5 year old eyes gleaming with the colored lights as we bounced as one.

Franti's communication with the audience in between songs are genuine and heartfelt. I listened to him while I now held my 2 year old (three next week) aloft above in the ocean of heads. He spoke of his 21 year old son leaving for a trip and how he thought back to when he was a brand new dad. Holding his baby in his arms and how he was excited but scared about how it would all turn out.

Michael Franti & Spearhead are the change that they want to see in the world. Franti uses every medium he can to convey his message of peace and tolerance no matter what is against you. Whether it is through his music, his movies or his literature, He tries to remind you to truly stay human.

To stream the entire concert click here

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